Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence (BI) allows us to use data strategically in response to challenges and drive profitable business actions. These actions lead to efficiency, effectiveness and differentiation of the company from its competition. Organizations continue to turn to BI as a vital tool for a smarter, more agile and efficient business. Business Intelligence over the last few years has gained significant attention as a major component of business strategy execution, assessment and success.
A Business Case for BI
- Empower decision makers to make objective fact based decisions.
- Move from a reactive to a proactive organization through predictive analytics.
- Delivery of timely, accurate and relevant information to the right person easily, readily and securely.
- Identify new opportunities for growth and profits.
- A cost optimized organization. Identify internal inefficiencies and avenues for cost reduction.
- Business Intelligence information governance. Create a centralized enterprise wide reporting enviroment.
- Automate compliance and regualtory business reports e.g. Statutory report required by Central Bank.
- Microsoft Office integration. Leverage on existing Office tools investments and increase BI usage within the company securely. Make huge savings on tools and training.
- Need for a single authoritative version of truth.
Our Solution
- Scheduled delivery of analytical reports to email accounts, SharePoint portals and designated fileshares.
- Multidimensional analysis, online analytical processing (OLAP). Enable end users to analyze data through slice and dice techniques with extremely fast query. and calculation performance
- Balanced business scorecard.
- Advanced intuitive visualization for reports and dashboards.
- Datawarehouse implementation that scales from GBs to TeraBytes. We have implemented a datawarehouse 1TB in size and is still growing.
- Enterprise-wide reporting models that support ad hoc queries and reports thus enable users to ask their own questions of the data, without relying on IT to create reports.
- Search-enabled BI. Search for content using keyword from the enterprise ECM and BI platform.
- Self service BI.
- SharePoint 2010 as the core BI plaform.
- Integration to diverse systems using Sql Server Integration Services (SSIS). Source data from Oracle, DB2, Sql Server, Excel, Flatfiles, XML e.t.c.
- Multidimensional database implemented using Sql Server Analysis Services (SSAS).
- Visualization and reports platform implemented using Sql Server Reporting Services (SSRS) integrated with SharePoint 2010 hence delivering.
- Exel Services to leverage excel skill base. BI foundation on the new excel power pivot technology.
- Tableau desktop and server as alternative BI platform.
- Industry standard process for BI implementation from concept to deployment. Visible process with quickwins at every milestone.
- Predictive analytics with datamining.